When they are born, babies are tiny, cute, and brand new to the world. Newborn babies with beautiful eyelashes are even more adorable.
I think we can all agree with that!
Something is appealing about the innocence and newness of a baby. However, certain features like hair may not be as prominent when they are very young as you would like.
In most pregnancies, hair starts to develop around the fourteenth week of gestation, but this is not always the case. When they are born, some babies have eyelashes that are visible while other babies do not. So this begs the question, when do babies get eyelashes?
Eyelashes Grow in the Womb
In most cases, newborn eyelashes and eyebrows will grow while the baby is in the womb. They usually begin to grow between 14 and 20 weeks of gestation. This does not mean that you will be able to see the hair easily, though. A lot of times, the hair on babies is very fine and challenging to see.
For example, when a baby is born, they may not appear to have hair on their heads or face. Some babies are born with very fine hair where their eyebrows will eventually be, but it is almost impossible to see.
There are also babies born with peach fuzz on their heads that you may not easily see. Eyelashes can sometimes grow in this exact same way.
Are Babies Always Born with Eyelashes?
There are some instances where babies are simply born without hair at all. Some just come out with no hair on their heads and no eyelashes. This is usually due to a hormonal imbalance in the womb that can delay hair growth.
In other instances, the hair follicles are just simply not ready to grow yet. Eyelashes will show up eventually, though, so don’t worry too much if your newborn is born without them.
Due Dates May Impact Hair Growth
Babies born prematurely are much more likely to take a bit longer to grow eyelashes than babies born on time because they were born before they were really ‘ready’.
If a baby is born around 30 weeks or earlier, they have not had as much time as other babies to grow eyelashes. With preemies, it is essential to give them some extra time to get caught up. They will grow in eventually, likely in line with what your original due date was.
Give Eyelashes Time to Grow
You shouldn’t worry too much if your baby’s eyelashes take some time to become visible. Avoid putting products on them that claim to make eyelashes grow faster and fuller, as those can be harmful to a baby of any age. Nature and time are the best options for healthy babies in almost every case!
But it is possible that trauma and injury may be preventing your baby’s eyelashes from growing. Try to protect their eyes and faces from heat or anything that can cause burns, as these injuries can permanently damage your baby’s eyelashes and eyebrows. Babies love to grab anything they can reach, so things like candles and other hot objects can be very appealing to them.
Overall, health and genetics are the most critical factors in how your baby’s eyelashes grow. If you have a family with thick eyelashes, then your baby likely will grow thick ones as well. Proper nutrition is essential regardless, but eating right does help lashes and eyebrows grow well!
Please Don’t Trim Your Baby’s Eyelashes!
For some reason, it has been circulating that cutting eyelashes helps them grow longer and faster. This has made many mothers consider whether they should cut their baby’s eyelashes to help them grow. This idea comes from the recommendation to cut dead ends off of your hair to make it grow faster and thicker.
But unlike the hair on your head, eyelashes do not have dead ends that require trimming in order to grow long and healthy.
Not only is it unsafe to attempt to cut your baby’s eyelashes as you can poke them in the eye or scratch their eyelid, but it’s also an ineffective and pointless practice. In time, eyelashes regrow on their own, but trimming doesn’t make the growth happen faster.
When Do Eyelashes Stop Growing?
Eyelashes generally grow in a similar fashion as the hair on our heads. The difference is that eyelashes tend to fall out after three months, where head hair takes about three years to fall out.
If your eyelashes are not falling out and replenishing, there may be an internal issue going on that needs to be addressed. The same applies to babies as well, because their little bodies are always growing and developing.
Over time, eyelashes, like other body hair, begin to thin and fall off. As people get older, their hair becomes thinner. Hair loss usually starts around fifty years of age but varies based on the person, so your baby should not be experiencing thinning of their hair or eyelashes.
If this is happening, evaluate the products you use to wash the baby as certain chemicals can cause hair to thin out. After that, check with your pediatrician for advice!
Beautiful Lashes Ahead?
It is important to realize that your baby’s eyelashes will usually depend on genetics at the end of the day. If everyone in your family has short eyelashes, the baby likely will as well. This is the same for those with long eyelashes.
Remember that eyelashes are usually there; they just appear very fine and almost invisible to the naked eye. Just because you do not see them, it does not mean they are not there. Give it some time.
Though newborn babies with thick, long eyelashes are stunning, they will not always be born this way. Babies born without eyelashes or with short eyelashes are just as beautiful. If your baby is a little behind in the development of their eyelashes, give them some time to become fuller, and remember that you have very little control over the role of genetics.